I love crafting visual stories through my digital art using my own nature, wildlife, pet, handed-down family photographs and gifted photos from friends and family.
I was inspired by my uncle Henry, who at the age of 88 wrote what he termed his “Memories”.  His writings captured his life starting with his birth on Henry Street in 1921 (the 6th of 9 children) to Jewish Russian / Polish parents who migrated to America and settled in New York City's Lower East Side at the turn of the 20th century.  He had wonderful stories, and I am very grateful that he gifted those memories to us.
Knowing I was interested in my family’s heritage, he encouraged me to do the same.  Writing is not my strong suit but photography is.  So, I began sifting through old photos, and with a bit of poetic license, I began through digital composites to document stories handed down to me.  These family-inspired pieces I hope will serve as a tribute / memorial / an enduring yahrzeit flame to my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts and all my ancestors that came before me.  
From there I started using my photos from my wildlife and nature outings to create whimsical scenes where my photos of beloved pets have become the key players.  Their adventures are never ending.
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